April 05, 2002





    The Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has called for making the Panchayats vibrant institutions of grass root democracy. He was inaugurating the two day All India Panchayat Adhyaksha Sammelan here today. The Prime Minister said, the responsibilities conferred on the Panchayati Raj Institutions by the Constitutional Amendments will not yield result unless they are matched by adequate resources. The Prime Minister called for a debate on the issue of devolution of powers and assured that whatever changes are required will be carried out. He, however, said that there should be consensus as these issues transcend political parties.

    Paying glowing tributes to the former Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi for the steps taken for strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions, the Prime Minister described the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments as historic and revolutionary. Shri Vajpayee said, the time has come to evaluate the strength and weakness of the system in the perspective of our experience over the last 10 years. He said, with 34 lakh elected representatives of which women constitute one third and another 6 lakh SC/ST representatives, we have much to be proud of. But he said most of the PRIs are resource starved and we need to change that situation by rising above party considerations.

    The Prime Minister said plans are on the anvil to link drinking water with the Sadak Yojana. He regretted that even after 55 years of independence we have not been able to provide safe drinking water. He said, there is scarcity of drinking water even in the bigger cities. Drinking water has been given priority in the 10th five year plan. The Prime Minister said the responsibility of providing drinking water will be taken up along with the Sadak Yojana.

    Speaking on the occasion, the Rural Development Minister Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu said notwithstanding the passage of the Constitutional Amendments, the change has been slow in coming. We have taken up the mater in right earnest, and have, in the last one year or so, registered considerable progress in this direction. This has been largely due to the support we have received from the Hon'ble Prime Minister.

    He said, it is in the domain of functional and financial decentralisation that we need to continue to act more decisively. Almost all the States and Union Territories have stated that they have transferred a number of subjects in varying degrees to the PRIs. However, the statutes enacted by the States in conformity with the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act have not significantly altered the functional domain of the Panchayats. The Rural Development Minister felt that Panchayats should have been given the responsibilities to levy and collect certain taxes, fees, duties or tolls. They must be granted appropriate powers to generate their own resources.

    Shri Naidu said that only when resources are made and available and administrative powers are given, Panchayats should be able to address their needs and prepare plans accordingly.

    Addressing the Sammelan, the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Shri K.C. Pant said, even though many State Governments have vested powers of taxation with Panchayats, very little resources are raised by them on their own. They continue to depend on the Central and State Governments for their day-to-day functioning and developmental activities. He urged the Panchayats to make full use of their powers of taxation to enlarge fiscal domain. He said that the fiscal position of PRIs has to improve considerably if they are to make their mark as responsible institutions of self-governance. Dependency can never be the foundation for a self-confident and effective structure of decision making.

    Delivering the key note address, leader of the opposition Smt. Sonia Gandhi called for several steps to realise the dreams of making Panchayats effective institutions. She said all parallel bodies that undermine the power of the PRIs should be abolished. She also suggested that the DRDAs should be merged with Zilla Parishads and the functions and powers of the different strata of the PRIs should be clearly defined to make them more effective.

    Emphasising the need for developing consensus on the issue of funds to the Panchayati Raj Institutions, she urged the government to convene a meeting of the National Development Council to discuss the issue.

    Participating in the discussion, the Minister for Law, Justice and Company Affairs Shri Arun Jaitley said an all party meeting should be convened to discuss all the lacunae observed during the function. He said although the Constitutional Amendment has conferred wide ranging responsibilities on the Panchayats, a number of deficiencies have been observed in their implementation due to lack of financial resources and functionaries to implement them.

    The two day Conference is being attended by Ministers of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj of different States, well known social workers, Zilla Parishad Cghiefs from all the districts and the head of one intermediate panchayat and one Gram Panchayat from each districts.