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Prime Minister's Office

Sidelights – Run For Unity Event at Rajpath, New Delhi

Posted On :31, October 2014 9:55 IST

• PM's arrival was greeted with slogans and cheers. 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' resounded everywhere.

• PM led the chant of 'Sardar Patel amar rahe' before addressing the gathering.

• PM dwelled at length on the unbreakable bond between Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel in his speech.

• Run for Unity was flagged off by the PM. The enthusiastic crowd competed with each other to participate. PM came down from the stage to be among the people. PM also ran some distance to encourage the participants. People kept on pouring in the run long after he left.

• Youth and children formed the most enthusiastic contingent among the runners.

• Sports personalities including Olympics, Asiad and Commonwealth medal winners and cricketers drew huge applause from the crowd.

• Illustrating India's Unity in Diversity, the Prime Minister said:

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