Ministry of Textiles12-December, 2014 17:49 IST
Promotion of Muga Silk


Muga is wild eco race available only in India inhabitating Brahamputra valley covering mainly Assam and parts of Meghalaya and Nagaland bordering Assam. In order to produce better quality silk and increase the yield, 8 best muga silkworm races have been isolated and assessed by the Central Muga Research Institute, Ladoigarh, Jorhat of the Central Silk Board (CSB).


The major problem identified is lack of systematic plantation and silkworm seed supply. The Government has taken remedial steps to improve silkworm breed, evolve better host plants along with development of appropriate package of practices through the Central Silk Board (CSB)’s main Research Institute; CMER&TI located at Ladoigarh in Jorhat, Assam. Under Centrally sponsored Catalytic Development Programme (CDP) support to farmers are provided for (i) Raising muga food plant nursery (ii) Augmentation and maintenance of muga food plants with start up tools, (iii) Assistance for maintenance of existing muga food plantation (iv) Assistance to muga adopted seed rearers, (v) Assistance to muga private grainures and (vi) Assistance to existing muga private grainures for up-gradation of seed production capacity as well as assistance for strengthening and up-gradation of their seed infrastructure to the State.


The Government has identified new potential muga seed zones in West Bengal (Cooch Behar District, Kalimpong, Darjeeling District), Sikkim, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand. These isolated seed zones help to augment commercial seed production in Assam.


The Government through Central Silk Board (CSB) has taken the following measures for increasing production of muga silk:-


Established Regional Office of CSB at Guwahati to coordinate sericulture development activities with State and other agencies in Assam and NE Region.


1)                                           Regional Muga Research Station at Boko to provide R&D and extension support for Muga sericulture.


2)                                          Muga Silkworm Seed Organization in Guwahati with a network of one Muga SSPC at Kaliabari and one P3 Unit at Hahim (both in Kamrup Districts) for production and supply of muga basic seed for further multiplication by Govt. of Assam and private graineurs to produce quality silkworm seed.


3)                                          Regional Silk Technological Research Station, Khanapara, Guwahati to provide required R&D support in post cocoon activities.


4)                                          A Muga Raw Material Bank (MRMB) is functioning at Sibsagar in Assam with 3 Sub-Depots, at Dhakukhana, Sualkuchi (Assam) and Coochbehar (W.B) with the objective of ensuring economic and fair price to the actual muga cocoon producers.


5)                                        During XI Plan, Rs.33.26 crores has been exclusively spent for development of muga sector under CDP scheme. For the development of post cocoon sector, assistance is provided for reeling/ spinning machines, handloom up-gradation, pneumatic lifting mechanism, yarn dyeing units, effluent treatment plants, CATD, Common Facility Centres (CFCs) etc.


This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) in the Ministry of Textiles Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.



(Release ID :113276)
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