Ministry of Textiles13-November, 2014 11:53 IST
Procurement of cotton under Minimum Support Price operation by CCI

The procurement of the cotton from the farmers under the Minimum Support Price Operation by the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) under Ministry of Textiles was reviewed in a meeting taken by Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Agriculture Minister held yesterday at Krishi Bhawan when Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Textiles (I/C), Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, Minister of Labour & Employment (I/C), Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of State for Commerce & Industry (I/C), Shri Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai Kundariay, Minister of State for Agriculture and Shri Sanjeev Kumar Balyan, Minister of State for Agriculture were present. After discussion following decisions were taken:

i. Details on the rate and standards for procurement of cotton under Minimum Support Price Operation during the current year shall be widely publicized for general information of the cotton growers.

ii. Adequate number of centers shall be opened in all the cotton growing States for ensuring that the cotton produced by the farmers are purchased and value thereof, as per the rate fixed are paid in time, preferably through their bank account.

iii. Active support of the State Government and State Agencies shall be solicited for undertaking this operation and safeguarding the interest of the farmers.

iv. CCI shall take necessary action in this regard of mobilizing employees along with the support of the State Government.

v. The procurement operation shall be closely monitored for ensuring Minimum Support Price Operation.

vi. It was clarified that there was no restriction of export on cotton.

vii. Member of Parliaments and other elected peoples representatives of the area shall also be requested to extend their assistance in this regard.

(Release ID :111350)
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