30th September, 2003
Ministry of Defence  


The three-week Scuba Diving Camp of NCC Camp concluded at New Delhi today. A rigorous three week course commenced at Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Swimming Pool, Talkatora Garden, New Delhi on Sep 10, 2003. 70 NCC boys and girls took part. After screening 24 cadets were selected to undergo the course. Addressing on the concluding session, Lieutenant BK Bopanna said the training given during the camp encourage the cadets to work as a team. Gen Bopanna said that the aim of the camp was to inculcate sense of commitment adventure and espirit-de-corps among the participating youth. He said the training during the camp will also built an interest in the NCC cadets for the subsequent maritime competitions. He also distributed the prizes to the winners of the competition held during the camp.

During the camp main focus of the training was on extensive swimming and floating use of fins and skins and physical conditioning followed by professional exposure to the diving. The training like life saving underwater, underwater navigation and use of underwater equipment was also given to the cadets.