19th November, 2003
Ministry of Science & Technology  


Sixteen distinct initiatives are proposed to be taken under the National Programme for Human Resource Development in Information Technology. Each initiative has a specific objective and a definite plan of action. These were considered indepth at the recently concluded conference of State education secretaries (Technical) in New Delhi, chaired by the Minister for Human Resource Development and Science & Technology, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi. The Minister told the conference that these initiatives will go a long way in not only expanding our technical education but also in building up our manpower in the IT sector.

Of these steps, the first three initiatives on low-cost computing and open-source software, High speed Campus-wide networks and Reliable and Affordable Connectivity are essentially to provide adequate information and communication technology infrastructure in technical institutions. The next four, i.e., Introduction of Core Course in engineering information, Course based induction of IT tools, CAD/CAM tools education programme and IT-based applied project management tools scheme, aim at bringing about changes in engineering curriculum to make it information-science based. This would ensure that engineering education continues to be relevant for the profession in the future.

The other two sub-programmes namely, India Electronic Design Automation Tools scheme and Micro-electronic systems packaging, will help in manpower development in the hardware sector in the country, a thrust area to ensure holistic growth.

Virtual Centres of Excellence for manpower development in emerging technology areas will provide a boost to post-graduate education in identified areas of engineering and technology. This will help India go up the value chain, leveraging its intellectual prowess for technology-driven growth. Credit-based outreach education programme aims at meeting the continuing education needs of the working professionals and the faculty, through a modular flexible mechanism, using technology mediated learning environment. The remaining sub-programmes i.e. networking for academic collaboration, promoting interface with industry and technical manpower data-base will use new technologies to considerably enhance effectiveness and reach of these activities. Computerisation of administrative support services will help improve management efficiency, increased transparency and promote cost-effectiveness in technical institutions.

All these initiatives come under the overall umbrella of a National Programme for Human Resource Development in Information Technology. The Tenth Plan outlay for the programme is fixed at Rs.500 crore.