24th June, 2003
Ministry of Steel  


The Steel Ministry has launched a campaign to distribute steel bins to the farmers on a subsidized rate in collaboration with the Save Grain Campaign of the Food Ministry. The aim of the campaign is to popularize use of steel in the rural areas and increase the per capita consumption of steel in the country.

During the current financial year it has been planned to distribute 1250 numbers of 240-kg capacity bins, 300 number of 300- kg bins and 500 numbers of 120- kg bins and adequate steel sheets have been issued.

Distribution in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka will involve a subsidy element of Rs. 2.64 lakh at the current rate of Rs. 9,250 per tonne. The expected demand of GP/GC sheets for making such metal bins during the current year is around 100-125 tonnes. The Government of Pondichery is interested in constructing of silos in regulated market yards and villages.