2nd September, 2002
Ministry of Law & Justice  


Out of a total number of 1734 Fast Track Courts to be created , 1150 such courts have so far been notified and set up all over the country. These courts have disposed of 608686 cases as on August 31, 2002. As the setting up of Fast Track Courts involves construction of court rooms and recruitment of judges, it has to be done necessarily in a phased manner.

The Fast Track Courts have speeded up disposal of sessions cases which involve heinous offences and cases of under trials who have been in jails for long time.

The setting up of Fast Track Courts since April 1, 2001 has started showing its impact on crime situation as the number of heinous crimes has come down especially in the States of Rajasthan and Maharashtra. Some impact has also been felt in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

The scheme of Fast Track Courts involves a total outlay of Rs.502.90 crores to be funded cent percent by the Centre over a period of five years from April 1, 2001 on an experimental basis to expedite sessions level cases in the subordinate courts. This is also intended to expedite disposal of pending cases as also accelerate the pace of disposal of fresh cases.