10th May, 2002
Ministry of IT & Communication


The Department of Posts is issuing a commemorative postage stamp to mark the Golden Jubilee of Parliament of India at a function on 13th May, 2002. The stamp will be released by Hon’ble Vice-President of India Shri Krishan Kant.

The stamp design shows the decorative inner view of the Central Hall of the Parliament, which has one of the most magnificent domes of the world. The Central Hall, which saw the transfer of power on 15th August, 1947, the long deliberations which led to the framing of the Constitution and the first session after each general elections to the Lok Sabha for the last 50 years, a unique place of historic importance. The stamp design also incorporates one of the inscriptions from another dome inside the Parliament, that act as beacons to guide parliamentary discussions and debate.

May 13, 1952 marked the beginning of a new phase in the history of Independent India. It was on this day that India’s Parliament met for the first time after the General Elections. The first meeting of the constituent Assembly on 9th December, 1946, was a historic event as the Assembly was a fully sovereign body, independent of external authority. After the attainment of freedom on 15th August, 1947 and the coming into force of the Constitution of India on 26th January, 1950, the character of the Constituent Assembly (Legislative) underwent a change. It became the provisional Parliament of the country. The provisional Parliament represented a crucial phase in the history of Indian Legislature, marking the transition from a colonial institution to a sovereign parliament.

The next phase in the history of the Indian democracy started when the first Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha met for the first time in the respective chambers to take up the agenda of the day. The democratic experiment which India launched on 13th May, 1952, has consolidated the country’s democratic credentials as the largest working democracy in the world.