19th June, 2002
Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources  



India has planned a capacity addition of about 10,000 MW from renewables by the year 2012. With the present level of renewable energy installed capacity of over 3,500 MW, renewable energy is contributing about 3.5 percent of the total installed capacity for power generation of India. The Indian renewable energy programme covers a spectrum of technologies and renewable energy power generation is private sector driven with incentives from the Government and there are ample business opportunities for setting up joint ventures and collaborative projects. In view of the possibilities and prospects for furthering business between the Indian renewable energy industry and renewable energy industry in European countries, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has fielded a Renewable Energy Mission to The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Switzerland from June 19th to 28th 2002. The Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Shri M. Kannappan, is heading this mission. While leaving on this mission, Shri. Kannappan, highlighted the Government of India’s renewable energy plans and mentioned that in addition to capacity addition of 10,000 MW from renewables by the year 2012, there are plans for electrification of 18,000 remote and in accessible villages. During the visit Shri Kannappan will meet Energy Ministers of the respective countries for enhancing bilateral cooperation in the renewable energy area. The industry representative are likely to enter into business collaboration/joint ventures with European renewable energy industry for technologies and investments. It is worth noting note that significant technological developments are taking place in the European Union (EU) in the field of renewable energy. The EU has brought out a strategy for enhancing the percentage of renewable energy in their total energy mix. This is partly due to emissions reduction obligations under the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. India has registered an excellent growth in the renewable energy area. There has been active collaboration in the renewable energy between public and private sector companies of India and Europe. As such, in view of the present possibilities under the climate change regime particularly the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), there are significant possibilities for enhancing technological and business co-operation between India and EU member countries. Further, the ratification of Kyoto Protocol by EU has sent a strong message to the global community about their commitment for protecting global environment.