4th June, 2002
Ministry Of Petroleum & Natural Gas  



The Committee of Experts with Major General (Retd.) S.C.N. Jatar as Chairman presented its final report/recommendations to Shri Ram Naik, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, on improvements and streamlining security, safety and related issues concerning upstream both onshore and offshore installations of Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and Oil India Limited (OIL). The recommendations cover all assets of these companies throughout the country. There are 162 recommendations of various kinds of which 33 relate to the operations of OIL and the remaining relate to ONGC. While appreciating the intensive efforts put in by the Experts Committee Shri Ram Naik enquired about the financial implications if these recommendations are implemented. Responding to the Minister, Maj. General Jatar averred that ONGC and OIL would in fact ultimately save money if these recommendations are implemented as it would result in stoppage of pilferage and theft of crude oil.

Shri Naik directed that the recommendations of the Experts Committee be examined on priority basis and the necessary measures in this direction be taken. He also directed that the views of ONGC, OIL, Directorate General of Hydrocarbon (DGH) and Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) be obtained within two months i.e. latest by 31.7.2002 on the recommendations contained in the Reports. The final sets of two Reports and a summary of all the recommendations, were prepared by the Committee following directions by the Government to go into the security, safety and related issues of upstream oil assets on all India basis. This contains a summary of recommendations common to all onshore assets, specific recommendations to ONGC Territorial Army (ONGC-TA), Ankleshwar Asset, Upper Assam Asset, Tripura Asset, Krishna-Godavari (KG) Asset, Ahmedabad Asset, Mehsana Asset and Institute of Petroleum Safety & Management (IPSEM) of ONGC at Goa. There are general recommendations for all assets/basins/institutes and the recommendations for offshore operations.

The Committee in its final report, submitted yesterday, examined issues connected with the custody transfer of crude oil in Assam for both ONGC and OIL and in Andhra Pradesh and suggested systemic changes to ensure a more precise system of crude oil accounting. The Committee has made an assessment of the security threat to oil installations and pipelines in Assam and Gujarat. It has checked the safety aspects pertaining to the two oil PSUs and made significant recommendations in consonance with the international standards. As related issues, the Committee has suggested some important changes to the security and fire departments and assessed the efficiency of ONGC (TA) Engineer Regiment.

It may be recalled that the Experts Committee was appointed following a fire at a Gandhar (Gujarat) Oil well of ONGC on 30.10.2001 while some unscrupulous elements were engaged in pilfering the crude oil.

The Committee had submitted its first Report to the Petroleum Minister on 30.1.2002, concerning various issues directly arising out of the well fire. The Committee had thereafter submitted its Second and Third Reports to Shri Naik on 28.3.2002. In its Second Report the Committee had made a detailed study of IPSEM and made recommendations regarding upgradation of the training standards. In its Third Report, the Committee had examined issues concerning operations in the Western Offshore as also the Oil Terminal at Uran and the Gas Terminal at Hazira and made substantive suggestions for bringing up the offshore safety and security to the international standards.