24th July, 2002
Ministry of Textiles  



The Government of India has been providing assistance through the following schemes for the overall development of the handloom sector and welfare of weavers in the country:-

    1. Deen Dayal Hathkargha Protsahan Yojana
    2. Development of Exportable Products and their Marketing scheme.
    3. Mill Gate Price Scheme.
    4. Publicity & Exhibition Scheme.
    5. Workshed-cum-Housing Scheme.
    6. Health Package Scheme.
    7. Thrift Fund Scheme.
    8. Group Insurance Scheme.
    9. New Insurance Scheme.

In order to ensure that the benefit of the assistance imparted through the above schemes actually reaches the beneficiaries, a State level Monitoring Committee headed by the Secretary in-charge of handlooms of the concerned State has been constituted in each State which is required to supervise the implementation of the projects sanctioned and also monitor the progress made under the schemes. Central assistance under the schemes is released only on the basis of the recommendations made by the said committee.

The Handloom Industry being dispersed and decentralized in nature, it will be very difficult for Government of India to impart assistance under the schemes directly to the weavers.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Textiles, Shri Basangouda R. Patil (Yatnal) in Rajya Sabha today.