10th July, 2002
Ministry of Law, Justice & Company Affairs  


The President has given his assent to the Patents (Amendment) Bill, 2002. With this, the Bill as passed by the Parliament in its Budget Session ending May 17, 2002, has been notified in the Gazette of India as Act No. 38 of the year 2002. The various provisions of the Act will be implemented on different dates to be appointed and notified by the Ministry of Commerce.

The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2002, seeks to amend the Patents Act, 1970, to be referred to as the principal Act. The comprehensive amendment of the principal Act is intended to prepare and ready India to meet the challenges of globalization under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) regime and the Intellectual Property Rights Agreements on Trade Related Aspects of the WTO. Under the Act, there will be a Controller to issue licence for patents, cancellations of licence for patents and regulation of patent regime in the country in keeping with the global standards to maintain quality of products, services and other related matters. The Appellate Board established under the Trade Marks Act, 1999 shall be the authority for appeal against the orders of Controller. The Appellate Board will replace High Courts and any other court for adjudication of cases relating to the patents under this Act, and appeal, if any, against orders of the Appellate Board shall lie to the Supreme Court of India. The Act provides for procedure of the Appellate Board, the performance of Controller, their authorities and powers in line with the best of the global standards besides mechanism and procedure for granting compulsory licences, its terms and conditions, power of Controller to revoke licence and procedure for dealing with applications for patents.

With this Act in position, the country is now poised to meet all the challenges relating to patents of Indian heritages, products and services including protection of its defence and national sovereignty.

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