19th December, 2002
Ministry of Labour  



The Labour Minister Dr. Sahib Singh told the Rajya Sabha today that Rs.200 crore have been realised as statutory Provident Fund dues during the last two financial years from defaulting establishments. He said that out of Rs.487.7 crore outstanding Provident Fund arrears from the public sector undertakings Rs. 125 crore were recovered while Rs. 284 crore were unrealisable due to stay by courts etc. The Rajya Sabha Chairman Shri Bhairon Singh Shakhawat directed the government to take action against those PSUs which were not contributing to the Employees Provident Fund.

Earlier, the Labour Minister in a written reply said the total number of establishments in the country who have defaulted for an amount of Rs.10 lakh or more was 845 in 200-01 and 863 in 2001-02. In addition a large number of establishments have defaulted for an amount below Rs.10 lakh. Dr. Sahib Singh said that as on March 31, 2002 the total default was Rs.1336 crore. Out of this 77.32% is currently unrealizable being the amount locked up in court stays, establishments registered with BFIR, etc. He said that the default continues only 1.3% of total holding of Rs.1,02,163.06 crore in Employees Provident Fund, the Employees Pension Scheme and the Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme put together. The Labour Minister said that whenever any default is detected, action is taken against defaulters. He said that the Employees Provident Fund Organisation is going ahead with an enquiry against M/s Precision Gauge and Tools, Noida, Uttar Pradesh after a news item appeared in the press that the establishment had not deposited statutory PF dues for many years. The Minister said that directions have also been issued to file FIR against the employers.