19th December, 2002
Ministry of Labour  



V. V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) is a premier Institute of Labour Research, Training and Education. It was set up by the Ministry of Labour in July 1974 as an autonomous body to undertake, aid and promote research on its own or in collaboration with other agencies both at national and international level. Its other important work areas are to analyse specific problems that are encountered in the planning and implementation of labour and allied programmes and to suggest remedial measures and to establish and maintain library and information services. In addition the Institute has been assigned to undertake and assist in organising training and education programmes, seminars and workshops.

The Institute, since its inception has endeavoured through research, training and publications to reach all the concerned sections on various aspects of labour both in the organised and unorganised sectors. The focus of such endeavours has been on the transfer of academic insight and understanding related to all the aspects of labour for application to policy formulation, legislation and action to ensure a just and better place for labour in an egalitarian and democratic society.


Research occupies a primary place in the activities of the Institute. The subject of research comprises a broad spectrum of labour-related issues and problems, in both the organised and the unorganised sectors. While deciding the topics of research, care is taken to identify subjects and issues of topical concern and relevance to policy. The institute continues to place greater emphasis on the problems and issues of labour in unorganised sector in general and the more disadvantaged among these such as child labour, women labour and rural labour, in particular.

Research activities also explore the basic needs of different groups of trainees such as trade union leaders and organisers in both organised and unorganised sectors, managers of public and private sectors, labour administrators and volunteers of non-governmental organisations. There are three Centres which carry out studies on major themes, which have been identified by the Institute, related to research.


Action research is a thrust area of research activities. The Institute undertakes such research projects in rural areas to study problems of rural workers, understand and analyse them for exploring possible ways, means and methods to organise rural labourers.

The institute has pioneered a unique education-cum-motivation programme, popularly known as Rural Labour Camps for conscientisation and empowerment of the rural labour. Over the years, this unique experiment has been carried out with the objective of enhancing the capability of the rural workers so that they are able to effectively participate in development process.

The Institute has embarked on a project for Organising Rural Labour for Effective Participation in Development by way of using the camp methodology in a concerted way. The main aim of this project is to develop viable organisations in some districts of selected states.


The Institute has initiated an Integrated Labour History Research Programme, which focuses, inter alia, on integrating and initiating research on labour history and is perhaps the first of its kind in the country. There are three components to the Programme.

Archives of Indian Labour

The Institute has set up of an Archives of Indian Labour, in collaboration with the Association of Indian Labour Historians, (AILH). The Archives is systematically preserving documents relating to the labour movement, as well as historical documents generated by the sate and the business enterprises. Contemporary documents and other materials like personal narratives, video and audio material related to labour have also been preserved in the Archives.

One of the key components of the project has been setting up of a Digital Archives on Indian Labour. The then Labour Minister Shri Sharad Yadav dedicated the Archives to the nation on the International Labour Day (May 1, 2002). Since then the Archive is open for public use on the World Wide Web.

Writing Labour History

The second key component of the Programme is Writing of Labour History. In the first phase of this component, a collection of essays on several key research themes on Indian labour history will be produced. Leading specialists in the field and members of the Labour History Programme in the Institute will author these.

Interdisciplinary Research

The third component envisages Interdisciplinary Research in cooperation with other centers of the Institute and diffusion of the results through regular seminars and conferences.


National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has selected the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute as the nodal Institute to coordinate the activities relating to Prevention of HIV/AIDS at the Workplace. Accordingly, a Technical Resource Group (TRG) consisting of eminent persons has been constituted at WGNLI to provide the needed guidance in the formulation of pragmatic future strategies for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS at the Workplace. The TRG has already finalised a Status Paper on the subject of Prevention of HIV/AIDS at the Workplace. This Paper provides an analysis of emerging scenario in the labour market to identify the sections most vulnerable in terms of health risks like HIV/AIDS. It also highlights some of the major initiatives launched by different social partners for addressing Prevention of HIV/AIDS at the Workplace both at the national as well as at he international levels. The analysis of the various programmes is done in such a way as to identify he major features of the workplace intervention strategies. The Status Paper also attempts to suggest certain strategies for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS at the Workplace and also the relevant methodologies to translate these strategies into action.


The National Resource Centre on Child Labour (NRCCL) was established with the objective of developing the capabilities of individuals, groups and organisations working towards the elimination of the problem of child labour.

The key target groups of the centre includes the government, policy makers, planners and decision makers, programme administrators, project directors and functional staff, NGOs, trade unions, researchers, academicians and media persons as well as employers and parents of child labourers. At present the Centre is actively involved in Research, Training, conducting workshops/seminars on child labour related issues for the various targets groups mentioned above. The NRCCL has also built up a repository of information on child labour which contains documents, published and unpublished research reports and press clippings.

The research activities of NRCCL concentrate on industry-specific issues related to child labour, apart from being involved in generating a database on child labour. Some of the important studies completed and being carried out under NRCCL includes :

  • Case studies and situational analysis of Child Labour in Sports Goods Industries of Jalandhar and Merrut.
  • Panchayati Raj and Child Labour in Tamil Nadu.
  • Tools for Convergence
  • Child Labour in the Ghunghroo Industry of Agra region
  • Child Labour in 9 Home-based Prohibited Industries in the Wake of Legislation.

The NRCCL also conducts Training programmes for various social actors such as officers of the Central and State Labour Departments, trade unions, researchers and academicians, NGOs and others on issues relating to their roles in combating the problem of child labour.


The V.V. Giri National Labour Institute is committed to promote a better understanding of labour problems and to find the avenues and means to tackle them. To achieve this, the Institute, through its varied activities attempts to provide education and training with regard to labour issues in an integrated manner. While research activities, among other things explore the basis needs of different groups, such data as are generated in research activities are used for designing new and modifying existing training programmes. Constant feedback from the participants is used for updating the training curricula as well as redesigning training modules.

Educational and training programmes of the institute may be viewed as potential vehicles of structural change in labour relations. They can help to generate a more positive attitude for the promotion of harmonious industrial relations. In the rural areas, the programmes attempt to develop leadership at the grass root level that can build and support independent organizations to look after the interests of the rural labour. Training programmes equally emphasize attitudinal change, skill development and enhancement of knowledge.

The training programmes use an appropriate mix of lectures, group discussions, case studies, audio-visual presentation and behavioural science techniques. Apart from the Institute’s faculty, guest faculty are also invited to the training programmes.

The Labour Administration Programmes are designed for Labour Administrators and Officers of the Central and the State Governments. The programmes cover a wide range of subjects on labour administration, conciliation, labour welfare and enforcement. These are residential programmes held either at the Institute or at selected centres of the country. In addition, faculty and other support is also provided to State Labour Institute to conduct such programmes.


The Institute in collaboration with the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is launching a Certificate Course on ‘Labour in Development’. The main objective of this Course is empowerment of the working class in general and unorganised labour in particular. Trade union workers and leaders functionaries of NGOs and Panchayati Raj Institutions, district development agencies, social activities, rural educators and individuals intending to be organisers/educators are the clientele/learner groups for this programme. The specific objectives of the programme are:

  • To provide awareness about the factors responsible for labour problems.
  • To impart knowledge about labour laws
  • To share information regarding various welfare schemes for the weaker sections for improving their economic and working conditions
  • To pinpoint the sources of leakage of the development schemes/programmes
  • To promote organisation of the unorganised.


One of the mandates of he Institute is to provide consultancy services to the organisation on heir problems of industrial relations and related matters. Consultancy does not only provide a practical edge to the research of the Institute but is also a source of revenue. Consultancy assignments include in company training, diagnostic research and internal change programmes both in public and private enterprises. Such efforts have concentrated on promoting organisational development, workers’ participation, work redesign and harmonious industrial relations in large organisations, like Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.


The Institute with its limited resources located at one place can not cope with the training needs of the country. Moreover, it cannot adequately address all the needs and problems of labour keeping in mind he vastness of the area as to the regional and sectoral disparities of the labour markets. In this context, a proper integration of the activities of the labour institutions and organisations with similar objectives will help to overcome the aforesaid drawbacks. The Institute has, therefore, taken a number of steps to institutionalise the networking mechanisms with State Labour Institutes, Central Board for Workers’ Education, Labour Bureau and other institutions with similar objectives in the field of both training and or research. The Institute is also a member of the ILO/JIL Networking of Labour Institutes of Asia and Pacific.