22th April, 2002
Ministry of Tourism  


Australia and India today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further increase tourist arrivals from each other countries and to increase bilateral cooperation in the area of tourism. Minister of Tourism and Culture, Shri Jagmohan signed on behalf of India while on the part of Australia, the MoU was signed by visiting Australian External Affairs Minister, Mr. Alendender Downer.

According to MoU, both the countries while promoting bilateral tourism relations will have the special focus on culture, way of life and each other’s history. Official tourism bodies, tourism associations, tour operators, travel agents and institutions in the area of tourism will now have frequent interaction. Both the countries will facilitate and assist each other in the establishment and operation of tourist offices of each other in their respective countries. Consultation between Government, training institutions and industry groups in the field of tourism will be encouraged. Possibility of investment in the area of tourism will be explored.

Both the countries have also decided to facilitate the import and export of materials and documents for publicity, films and exhibition material for the promotion of tourism. They will also exchange information, know-how and experience in the area of tourism resources, management of hotels and tourism projects. Working group will also be set up for the implementation of MoU. The group will meet alternatively in each country.

Signing the MoU, Shri Jagmohan, Minister for Tourism & Culture said that India has decided to explore new markets and to look east to compensate following visitors from western countries after 11th September’s incidence. He expressed the hope that Agreement would give boost to the tourism in India.

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