

       The following is the text of the Tehran Declaration signed by the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and President of Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Ayatullah Mohammed Khatami in Tehran on April 10, 2001:

The Republic of India and The Islamic Republic of Iran hereinafter referred to as the Sides:

  • Conscious of the civilisational affinities and historical links between the two countries.
  • Noting their shared interests, common challenges and aspirations as two ancient civilizations and as two developing countries.
  • Desirous of realising the vast potential of bilateral co-operation in political, strategic, economic, technological and cultural fields, including trade, industry, technology, energy, transportation and agriculture.
  • Convinced that strengthened bilateral relations will be mutually beneficial and enhance regional peace and stability.
  • Seeking to build upon the desire of the peoples of both countries to develop closer ties,

Declare and adopt the following:

The sides affirm that respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, equality and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs are fundamental principles of friendly relations amongst States. The Sides affirm that only an equitable, pluralistic and co-operative international order can address effectively the challenges of our era.

Affirming that Dialogue among Civilisations, as a new paradigm in international relations, provides a conductive ground for constructive interaction and effective co-operation, the sides call upon the international community in this UN year of Dialogue among Civilisations, to rededicate itself to the principles of tolerance, pluralism and respect for diversity and to share its commitment to promote the concept of Dialogue among Civilisations.

The sides reaffirm their commitment to the goal of achieving general and complete disarmament under the effective international control and in this regard, emphasise the need for conclusion of a multilaterally negotiated agreement on the complete elimination of nuclear weapons within a specific time frame. Both sides express concern over restrictions on exports to developing countries of material, equipment and technology for peaceful purposes and reaffirm, in this context, the right of States to development, research, production and use of technology, material and equipment for such purposes.

The sides affirm the importance of preservation of peace, security and stability in the region. Mutually beneficial trade and transportation links as well as regional economic co-operation among the countries of the region are essential factors for progress and development of the entire region. The Sides note in particular the importance of secure and peaceful environment to the development of commerce and the promotion of economic growth in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean regions. The Sides also consider security and stability in Central Asia of vital importance to them.

Both sides condemn terrorism in all its forms. The sides recognise the serious threats posed to nations states and international peace and security by the growing threat of international terrorism and extremism. They also condemn states that aid, abet and directly support international terrorism and call on the international community to intensify its efforts to combat international terrorism. They reiterate their resolve to work to strengthen the international consensus and legal regimes against terrorism, including early finalisation of a Comprehensive Convention on international Terrorism.

The sides agree that the unity, territorial integrity, Independence and sovereignty of Afghanistan is crucial for the maintenance of peace and stability of the region. They agree that a military resolution to the civil conflict in Afghanistan is not possible and the establishment of genuinely broad-based government representing the aspirations of Afghan people is essential for the peace and stability in Afghanistan. They also express their deep concern over the growth of extremism and the threat of terrorism and illegal trade in narcotics emanating from the area of the extremists.

The sides consider globalisation as a challenge of our time. While it should offer certain opportunities for growth and development at present the benefits of globalisation are unevenly shared among the nations and much remains to be done to ensure that its benefits be comprehensively and equitably distributed at the global level.

Flowing from their commitment to promote the socio-economic development and prosperity of their people, the sides agree to launch a new phase of constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation covering, in particular, the areas of energy, transit and transport, industry, agriculture and service sectors.

The geographical situation of Iran and its abundant energy resources along with the rapidly expanding Indian economy and energy market on the other, create a unique complementarity which the sides agree to harness for mutual benefit. In this context they agreed to accelerate the process of working out an appropriate scheme for the pipeline options and finalising the agreement reached on LNG.

The sides reaffirm their commitment to strengthen transport and transit cooperation. In this context and in line with the proper implementation of Inter-governmental Agreement of International North-South Corridor between Iran, India and Russia and Agreement on International Transit of goods between Iran, India and Turkmenistan. They agree to encourage the businessmen and traders of the two countries to better utilise the said corridors.

The sides agree to actively promote scientific and technological cooperation, including among others, joint research projects, short and long term training courses and exchange of related information on a regular basis.

The sides emphasised the important role played by cultural interaction in promoting bilateral relation and establishing peace and stability among nations, agree to take necessary steps by the concerned bodies of the two countries in expanding cultural and artistic cooperation in all fields. The sides agreed to facilitate tourism between the two countries.

The sides reaffirm their commitment to the strengthening and deepening of consultations and to enhancing their coordination on bilateral regional and multilateral issues of common concern. In this regard they will pursue and continue regular structured and comprehensive mutual consultations. They note the useful contribution of the Joint Commission as well as the Joint Business Council and resolve to further enhance trade and economic links, including through facilitation of visits and exchanges.

The sides welcome the role played by interaction between the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the Indian Parliament as also people to people exchanges in promoting mutual understanding and dialogue and resolve to enhance it further.

Signed on April 10, 2001 at Tehran in two originals, each in Hindi, Persian and English languages.